Cookie principles
This cookies policy describes how SK Enmove Co., Ltd. (“SKEN”) uses cookies on its website, In this cookies policy, when we refer to "SKEN", "us", "we" or "our", we mean SKEN and our subsidiary entities, including, among others, SK Enmove Europe B.V., which provide the particular website to you. Information about which company or companies of ours are responsible for providing the websites in your country, and for any personal information collected by cookies used on those websites, is available in the Contacts to our privacy policy. Please note that, among our websites, this website,, is the only website we currently use cookies and none of other our websites are not subject to this cookies policy.
How we use cookies
Cookies help us understand how our websites are used by visitors, so that we can improve what we do online. These cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page display.
Types of cookies used by SKEN
We use first-party cookies only. These cookies are set by us at SKEN. For the most part, they enable essential functionality on our website. And these cookies expire when you close your browser. But cookies may remain in your web browser.
Managing cookies
The most popular web browsers all allow you to manage cookies. We set forth the managing way for popular websites below:
(in Microsoft Internet Explorer)
1. At the top right corner, click "Tools";
2. Point to "safety" and then click "delete browsing history"; and
3. Tick the "cookies" box, then click "delete".
(In the Google Chrome browser)
1.At the top right corner, click "Settings";
2.At the bottom, click "Advanced";
3.Click "Privacy and security"; and
4.Click "Cookies" and then click "Remove all".
You can choose to accept or reject all cookies, or just specific types of cookies. Please note that turning off cookies will restrict your use of our website and some useful sections won't work if you disable cookies.
Changes to this cookie policy
We will review, and where necessary update, this policy from time to time and will note the date it was last updated below.
If we change our cookies policy, we will post the details of the changes below. If we need to, we will also ask you to confirm that you are happy with those changes.
This policy was last reviewed and updated in March 2019.
Contact us
You can email our privacy team with any questions, comments or concerns at or use the additional contact details, for both the privacy team in your country, set out in the privacy policy. We will get back to you as soon as possible.